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RC-180DVR Tesisat Kamerası..
TECHNICIAL SPECIFICATIONSFrequency 512Hz.Analog display panelAudible and Visual warningEffective scanning area 5 metersControl: On-OfNear-Far and Far distance search buttonBattery level test buttonSignal strength measurement,Dimensions: 520x110x110 c..
RTS-Inf.Termal Kameralar..
TECHNICIAL SPECIFICATIONS23mm,29mm,40mm,45mm, 50mm AHD Camera HeadCamera rotates 360 degrees around itself (PT and Dual) The camera also has Right and Left direction rotation feature. (PT and Dual)The camera head is controlled with the joystick...
RC-150DVR Pipe Camera..
RC-200 Push Rod Camera..
RC-300 Push Rod Camera..
RC-400 Push Rod Camera..
RC-700/S Push Rod Camera..
TECHNICIAL SPECIFICATIONSThrough lines from 1 1/4 inches to 6 inches (32 mm to 150 mm)removes mud, soap and grease blockages by pushing forward a highly flexible hoseopens. While retracting the hose, vigorously brushes the duct to remove debrisIt ret..
HT-03 Thermal Camera..
HT-18 Thermal Camera..
HT-19 Thermal Camera..
TECHNICIAL SPECIFICATIONSSuitable for cleaning all kinds of internal and external pipesEasy to carry and useIdeal for home and construction siteParticularly lightweight, compact and useful design for bathrooms, sinks, toilets,Ideal for general purpos..
RC-1000/PT Push Rod Camera..
GND-ID1200 Water Leakage..
L-50 Water Leak Detector..
L-7000 Water Leak Detector..
200m. Well Camera..
Water Leak Detector..
RTS-SK  Pipe and Pipe Detector..
RTS-YA Water Detector..
RTS-YB Water Detector..
CCTV 100x Manhole Camera..
GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSCONTROL PANELRobot Motion Control with Two JoysticksTractor Robot Motion ControlSeamless 360 Degree Rotation Around Camera Head AxisRotate the Camera Head 240 Degrees Right-LeftLCD MonitorControl Panel Illuminated Cont..
GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSCONTROL PANELRobot Motion Control with Two JoysticksTractor Robot Motion ControlSeamless 360 Degree Rotation Around Camera Head AxisRotate the Camera Head 240 Degrees Right-LeftLCD MonitorControl Panel Illuminated Cont..
ELECTRIC FIREZERO ROBOT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSCONTROL PANELLight Indicator Buttons2 JoysticksON-OF and Emergency Stop ButtonRobot and Drum ControlCamera MenuRobot Elevator Unit Control ButtonRobot Forward-Backward and Left-Right rotation control bu..
17mm Kamera Kafası..
23mm Kamera Kafası..
23mm Vericili Kafa..
23mm Uzun Yaylı Kafa..
Dual Kuyu Kamerası..
Mono Kuyu Kamerası..
Pan-Tilt Kamera..
23mm Kamera Yaylı Kısım..
23mm Kamera Ledli Kısım..
512Hz.Sonda Verici..
7mm Kamera Kablosu..
CCTV Robot Kablo..
Pan & Tilt Camera Joystick..
Zoom-Focus Kamera..
B Serisi DVR Kayıt Ünitesi..
DVR Kayıt Ünitesi..
Robot Eğim Sensörü..
Slipring Ünitesi..
23mm Kılavuz Set..
L30 Akustik Sensör ..
L40 Akustik Sensör..


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